Jawaban TTS

Sistem kami menemukan 25 jawaban untuk pertanyaan TTS means of access from pakistan to afghanistan. Kami mengumpulkan soal dan jawaban dari TTS (Teka Teki Silang) populer yang biasa muncul di Kompas, Jawa Pos dll. Kami memiliki database lebih dari 156 ribu. Masukkan jumlah kata dan atau huruf yang sudah diketahui untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat. Gunakan tanda tanya ? untuk huruf yang tidak diketahui. Contoh J?W?B

Kunci jawaban TTS Means Of Access From Pakistan To Afghanistan

KHYBERPASS Means of access from Pakistan to Afghanistan
RAIN Drops of water from clouds
DURAND Garis yang memisahkan Pakistan dan Afghanistan
TTL Time-to-Live
FART An emission of gas from the anus
THIRTEEN Equivalent to the sum of six and seven
NINE Equivalent to the product of three and three
SEVEN Equivalent to the sum of three and four
TWELVE Equivalent to the product of three and four
EIGHT Equivalent to the product of two and four
SIXTEEN Equivalent to the product of four and four
FIFTEEN Equivalent to the product of three and five
IMPORT To buy or bring in products from another country
FIFTY The number equivalent to the product of five and ten
HOW Used to ask about the condition or quality of something
MUSIC Instrumental sounds combined in such way as to produce beauty of harmony
JUDGE A public official appointed to decide cases in a court of law
SOUTH The direction toward the point of the horizon 90° clockwise from east
SON A boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents
POUND A unit of weight in general use equal to 16 oz. avoirdupois (0.4536 kg)
ZERO From ... to hero (istilah untuk orang yang dulu bukan siapa-siapa yang menjadi sukses)
SISTER A woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents
NECK The part of a person's or animal's body connecting the head to the rest of the body
NOUN A word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things
FAMILY A group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children
Tidak semua prediksi jawaban ditampilkan. Silakan cari dengan kata yang lebih spesifik untuk hasil yang lebih akurat atau gunakan fitur tebak kata dengan memasukkan bantuan huruf